Esra Demir, a doctoral candidate at the Erasmus School of Law, has published two new papers.
The first publication concerns the topic of regulatory techniques and instruments enshrined by the EU data protection law and is entitled ‘Human Biodata Governance: Addressing the Tension Between Innovation and Protection Through DPIAs’. Using doctrinal legal analysis, the article argues that while DPIA is a useful instrument to seek a solution in addressing innovation and protection, further reflection and clarification are needed to improve the methods of conducting impact assessment. The article has been published by the IEEE as a conference proceeding. This article has been presented in the conferences: 20th IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology in Eindhoven; Digital Legal Talks in Utrecht; Beyond Data Protection Conference in Utrecht; and Lawtomation Days in Madrid. To access the article please follow the link:
The second publication concerns the topic of data ownership asking the question whether there is any role for data ownership in human biodata governance and is entitled ‘The Protection of Human Biodata: Is there any role for data ownership?’. Making both de lege lata and de lege feranda analyses, the article claims that biodata should not be subject to general ownership rights without a specific justification demonstrating the need for ownership of data from an economic and social perspective. The article has been published by the Computer Law & Security Review. To access the article please follow the link:’