Erasmus University Rotterdam

Prof. Dr Klaus Heine
DirectorKlaus Heine is Professor of Law and Economics at the Erasmus School of Law in Rotterdam. In 2012 he was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair of Economic Analysis of European Law.
His research areas are European economic policy, law and economics, and management, and he is one of the few scholars worldwide to work on the intersection of these three research domains. In recent years he has specialized in the legal embedding of digitalization. In this domain he also does policy consulting. His research is recognised by an international audience through presentations at numerous international conferences and publishing in leading journals.
He held positions at the Philipps-University Marburg, the Ruhr-University Bochum, the Free-University Berlin and the UMIT Vienna. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Chicago Law School, at the Law School of the University of Bergen and at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Friedrich Schiller University Jena.

Prof. Dr Evert Stamhuis
Senior FellowEvert F. Stamhuis (LLB, LLM, PhD) holds the Chair for Law & Innovation in the Erasmus School of Law and the Chair for Criminal Law and Procedure at the University of Aruba (Dutch Caribbean). In his research, he has attended to topics of International and European Criminal Justice, national procedure reform, comparative criminal justice and cybersafety. Since 2017, he widened his interest to the embedding of disruptive technological change in regulation and practice in the public domain and vice versa: the impact of disruptive technology on public practices as market supervision, law enforcement and judicial decision making.
Before coming to Erasmus School of Law he served as the Dean for Law and Humanities in the Open University NL, where he held the Chair for Criminal Law and Procedure. In that capacity, he was a member of the Multidisciplinary Research Group Digital Payments Security (KVDB). He also took part in the team that built the EDELNet Partnership, a tri-national Erasmus+ funded program for teaching in all levels of the academy, culminating in the EDELNet Graduate School. In that graduate curriculum, he taught on cultural and language aspects of cross-border academics and on research design for PhDs. To the blended learning curriculum of EDELNet, he contributed the online course on Academic Integrity & Ethics.
At Erasmus University Rotterdam, he led the team that built the Erasmus Initiative Dynamics of Inclusive Prosperity in 2017-2018, a cross-faculty research community, in which he takes part as senior researcher and member of the Academic Advisory Council. In his Digital Governance team he supervises PhD projects on data governance and regulation, medical robotics regulation and cybercrime liability. In legal practice Stamhuis serves as a member of the Court of Appeal at ‘s-Hertogenbosch (NL), sitting in criminal appeals on a regular basis.