About Digital Governance

Digital Governance (DIGOV) is the name of the Centre of Excellence on Digital Governance that is lead by Erasmus School of Law, in conjunction with the Law School of the University of Leeds (UK) and the Law School of Bar-Ilan University (Israel). The Centre of Excellence on Digital Governance aims to promote research and facilitate learning in the fields of Digital Governance and AI.

What do we do?

DIGOV organizes topical conferences and workshops, has a visiting scholar program established and will connect stakeholders from society, aiming at a better understanding of how to shape legal designs that integrate Big Data and Artificial Intelligence more solidly into society. All fellows of the Centre work on high-quality projects in their field of specialization of digital governance. An important part of the Centre activities is the dissemination of its research which manifests in an open online teaching module on digital governance.

Digital Governance is everywhere

Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robots, 3D-Printing, the Smart Factory, Autonomous Cars or Chat Bots. These terms are shortcuts for the technological and social disruptions with which we are confronted at our workplaces, at home, at school, when we are buying something on the internet or when we take part in elections.

Which rules and norms are needed to enable Big Data and Artificial Intelligence to fully support our individual interests and help us make smart choices? And which conditions for development and use, e.g. by tech industry, business and governments, are needed to prevent Big Data and Artificial Intelligence from causing harm to society? To what extent is existing law still able to deal with digitalization at an accelerated pace? And which legal insufficiencies have to be bridged by new legal rules? To answer those questions one has to think about Digital Governance.

Want to know more?


Visit our publications page to view the DIGOV publications of the researchers at Erasmus University Rotterdam, University of Leeds and Bar-Ilan University.


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