Kick-Off Conference: The Roundabouts of Digital Governance
Admission is free, but registration in advance is required. Please register using the button below. For more information please consult the timetable below or download the DIGOV Conference programme brochure
Hourly Schedule
The Roundabouts of Digital Governance <br>Tuesday 28 January 2020
- 17.00
- Get together & Registration
- (Senate Room, Erasmus Building, 1st floor)
- 17.30
- Opening by Rutger Engels, rector magnificus Erasmus University Rotterdam and Keynote lecture 'Judicial Tech'
- Keynote lecture 'Judicial Tech' by Christoph Engel (MPI/EUR)
- 18.15
- Reception
The scope of proper digital government: Fading intrajurisdictional boundaries between public and private governance? <br> Wednesday 29 January 2020
- 9.00
- Late registration and welcome
- Location: Sanders Building, room 0.03
- 9.15
- Panel 1: New technologies and their disruptive impact on economic integration
- by Klaus Heine (EUR) and Wouter Verheyen (University of Antwerp)
- 10.45
- Coffee break
- 11.00
- Panel 2: E-government - liquid democracy and tight administration
- by Oren Perez (BIU) and Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov (BIU)
- 12.30
- Light lunch
- 14.15
- Panel 3: Teaching digital governance - blending the digital curriculum
- by Farshida Zafar (EUR) and Kris Stabel (EUR)
- 15.45
- Coffee break
- 16.15
- General debate with the attendees
- 17.00
- Closing
- 19.00
- Conference dinner in the city centre of Rotterdam
Data on the flight: is there still a jurisdiction for the digital? <br> Thursday 30 January 2020
- 9.00
- Welcome
- Location: Van der Goot Building, Forum Room
- 9.15
- Panel 4: Digital Platforms: Competitors and Regulators
- by Pinar Akman (UL) and Ayelet Sela (BIU)
- 10.45
- Coffee break
- 11.00
- Panel 5: Data all over the place: but who is responsible?
- by Evert Stamhuis (EUR) and Freek Bomhof (TNO)
- 12.30
- Light lunch
- 14.15
- Roundtable: Mapping digital governance - intra and cross jurisdictional challenges for law and policy making in the EU and beyond
- with Sara Kemppainen (I4ADA), Anna Keuning (ESL), Patrick Spigt (Haarlem Municipality), Christoph Steck (Telefónica), Bart Vrancken (De Volksbank), Hub Zwart (ESPhil) and moderated by Gerrit Schipper (ECDA)
- 15.45
- Wrapping up and closing words by Suzan Stoter, Dean Erasmus School of Law
- wrapping up by Klaus Heine and Evert Stamhuis
- 16.15
- Farewell drinks & reception